A citizen of Canada enjoys a lot more privileges than a permanent residency holder does. If you meet all the requirements for citizenship you can take the citizenship test. Usually, within 6-8* months of passing the test you are invited to the oath taking ceremony for the Canadian citizenship pledging their commitment to the responsibilities and privileges of Canadian citizenship.

There are certain rights and privileges which you are entitled to as a Canadian citizen. These rights include right to free thought, speech, practice religion, vote, assemble peacefully, aboriginal people’s rights, mobility rights, equality right and legal rights.

To apply for citizenship, you must meet certain eligibility criteria and complete an application. To be eligible to become a Canadian citizen, you must:

  1. be a permanent resident
  2. have lived in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years
  3. have filed your taxes
  4. intent to reside
  5. show how well you know Canada (Citizenship Test)
  6. meet minimum English/French language skills

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